Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

ASI alias Air Susu Ibu is the best

Saat ini dunia sudah mengakui bahwa ASI adalah yang terbaik buat bayi kita. Bahkan di negara maju seperti Amerika menyediakan konsultan laktasi secara cuma2 yang akan mendatangi para ibu2 yang baru melahirkan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana caranya menyusui.

Berikut adalah kelebihan ASI dibanding susu formula yang diambil dari berbagai sumber:

Benefit of breastfeeding compared to formula:
1. Brighter Brains : Breast milk is the best food for developing brains
2. Immunities : Throughout the first six months, baby's ability to produce his/her own antibodies to germ is somewhat limited. A drop of breast milk contains around one million white blood cells which gobble up germs. Breast milk is also power-packed with immunoglobulon A (IgA), which coats the lining of baby's immature intestines, helping prevent germs from leaking through.
3. Smarter fats :  DHA, cholesterol and other fats in the breast milk contribute directly to brain growth
4. Smarter sugars : The predominatn sugar in breast milk is lactose which is a valuable nutrient for brain-tissue development and also promotes intestinal health
5. Leaner adult bodies : fat content of mother's milk changes as the baby grows. The older infant needs fewer calories than the younger. Also, if the baby is imply thirsty, baby sucks briefly for the foremilk. Contrast this with the formula feeders, regardless of whether baby is hungry or thirsty, baby gets the same amount of fats. The breast feed baby learns to trust his/her own signals about how much he/she needs to eat and when
6. Better eyes and better hearing
7. Better breathing
8. Better hearts
9. Intestinal health : Breast milk is easier to digest ande contains enzymes that help babies digest their meals from the breast. Breast milk also helps better bugs live in the bowel
10. Healtier skin
11. Better taste

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